Категория: Литература


Автор: Болтаева Гулилола Хуршид Кизи



Abstract: the article considers the introduction of methodological recommendations on the use of role-playing games as a means of developing grammatical skills in English lessons. The relevance of this work is that information technology has become a tool to make the learning process more optimal. In classes, it will make the process of studying grammatical material more effective if the grammatical material corresponds to the work program of the discipline. Therefore, the article analyzes the use of role-playing games and videos selected taking into account the age characteristics of students and corresponds to the level of preparedness of students.


Болтаева Гулилола Хуршид кизи - студент бакалавриата, кафедра английского языка и литературы, факультет иностранных языков, Джизакский государственный педагогический институт, г. Джиззак, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье обосновывается внедрение методических рекомендаций по использованию сюжетно-ролевых игр как средства развития грамматических навыков на уроках английского языка. Актуальность данной работы состоит в том, что информационные технологии стали инструментом, позволяющим сделать учебный процесс более оптимальным. В классах позволит сделать процесс изучения грамматического материала более результативным, если грамматический материал соответствует рабочей программе дисциплины. Поэтому в статье проанализировано использование сюжетно-ролевых игр и видео, которые отобраны с учетом возрастных особенностей учащихся и соответствуют уровню подготовленности учащихся.

УДК 303.039.4

Nowadays, knowledge of foreign languages is necessary. Grammar plays a major role in teaching foreign language speaking. Learning grammar and the correct design of a statement, as well as recognition of grammatical forms in speech and writing, occurs through the development of grammar skills.

The practical importance of studying grammar is determined by the fact that grammar, by virtue of the generalizing nature of its laws, makes the path to mastering a foreign language easier.

The game is a specially organized activity that requires a strain of emotional and mental strength. The game always involves making a certain decision: what to do, what to say and how to win. The desire to solve these questions aggravates the mental activity of the players and turns the abstract and then uninteresting activity in the lesson into a concrete and

interesting one, in turn, the teacher remains an observer and gives children the opportunity to show their abilities, to show what they have abilities in independent work.

Role-playing games teach the use of samples containing certain grammatical difficulties. They are used to create a natural situation for the use of a particular speech sample. Grammar games contribute to the development of speech activity and student independence.

Nowadays, ownership of information technology is considered the same basic quality as the ability to read and write. A person who effectively owns information technology has a different, new way of thinking, otherwise approaches the organization of his activities, to assess the problems that have arisen.

Grammar is the subject of ongoing debate in the methodology. There are various approaches to solving the question of the role and place of grammar in teaching a foreign language.

Grammar is the starting point and goal of learning with the grammar-translation method. Learning any language was carried out through grammar, usually built on the model and likeness of Latin. Grammar was studied as a special subject and an end in itself.

According to an article by J.S. Vitlin, not a single aspect of language teaching has been for many years the subject of such intensive discussions and discussions as grammar. The author of this article believes that the concept of "grammar" includes various sections of the science of language, for example, such as word formation and phonetics, as well as spelling, elements of lexicology, phraseology and stylistics [1, p. 22].

Grammar skill is a synthesized action performed in skill parameters and providing adequate morphological and syntactic design of a speech unit of any level in speech [2, p. 100].

The following components can be distinguished in a grammar skill:

- the choice of a structure adequate to the speaker&s speech intent (in this situation);

- the design of the speech units with which the structure is filled in accordance with the norms of a given language and a specific time parameter;

- assessment of the correctness and adequacy of these actions.

You can achieve automation and stability, but this does not mean that a skill of the required quality has been created: it needs to be given flexibility, which is formed through the use of exercises of a certain nature.

Flexibility is a vital quality for a skill. Only transfer is based on this quality, without which the skill remains a "thing in itself&, is not included in new situations [3, p. 56].

From our point of view, one of the most effective means of developing interaction between students is the game. Game techniques can perform many functions in the process of child development, facilitate the learning process, help to learn the material increasing every year and develop the necessary competencies.

Types of games are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the student as a subject of instruction and with the English language program for secondary schools.

At the initial stage (grades 5-6), the main type of games will be a subject (linguistic) game, meaning phonetic, lexical, and grammar games. This is due to the beginning of the formation of a language base for students of this age and the skills that they possess are not enough for role-playing, plot games. It is advisable and logical to use dramatization and simulation games, competition games. This block includes types of gaming activities that are aimed at forming the linguistic side of communicative competence, creating a vocabulary for topics covered by the program, mastering grammatical structures and pronunciation skills, cliche phrases used in various communication situations.

At the next stage (grade 7), when students have reached the elementary level of grammatical competence, the game activity is already becoming more complicated. In middle school age, these are plot role-playing games of domestic content.

The age period of schoolchildren of secondary school age is characterized by the fact that schoolchildren have an increased interest in interpersonal communication in educational work. In such conditions, the importance of story-based role-playing games of domestic content, reflecting different aspects of the student&s life (study, work, leisure), reproducing

fragments of his real life experience, increases. For the development of plots of such role-playing games, such spheres of verbal communication of adolescents are used as: at school, at home, in public places, in places of cultural leisure, in areas of labor activity, etc.

The success of learning to speak largely depends on the individual age characteristics of the students (on their motives for learning, attention and interest, on the ability to use oral communication strategies, to rely on previous speech experience), on the learning conditions (the availability of technical training tools, situational conditioning and problems of exercises, pair - group organization of classes).

The middle age of 10-15 years is characterized by elements of "adulthood" expressed in various forms, manifested in the desire for independence, in refusing help, in dissatisfaction with the control over the performance of work. At this stage, adolescents experience changes in the development of memory. It takes on an indirect, logical character.

In the assimilation of the material and the development of speech skills, more and more attention is paid to focused observation, the desire to find the main thing, to highlight strong points that facilitate memorization and reproduction.

With the transition to adolescence, the leading type of activity also changes. Educational activity, while maintaining a certain activity, psychologically no longer plays a decisive role in personality development. Communication comes to the fore.

And so we can conclude the child, playing, all the time tends to go forward, not backward. In games, the children seem to do three of them: their subconscious, their mind, their imagination "work" synchronously.

The game is a sphere of self-expression, self-determination, self-examination, self-realization. There is a branch of medicine and psychology - game therapy. The game can be diagnosed, know the child. The game can cheer the child. With the help of the game, you can correct, improve, develop important psychological properties in children.

References / Список литературы

1. Vitlin J.L. Modern problems of teaching grammar of foreign languages // Foreign languages at school. 2000. № 5. P. 22-26.
2. Passov E.I. Fundamentals of a communicative methodology of teaching foreign language communication. M.: Russian language, 1989. 276 p.
3. Passov E.I. A communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking. M.: Education, 1991. 324 p.
mastering grammar teaching foreign language speaking role-playing games practical meaning of grammar УСВОЕНИЕ ГРАММАТИКИ ОБУЧЕНИИ ИНОЯЗЫЧНОМУ ГОВОРЕНИЮ cЮЖЕТНО-РОЛЕВЫЕ ИГРЫ ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ГРАММАТИКИ
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